Athletics & Performance

It’s no coincidence that more athletes than ever before are ditching dairy. Plant-based athletes from soccer stars to NFL players are realizing the benefits of a dairy-free diet, and you can, too. Fight inflammation, recover faster, and optimize your athletic performance by ditching dairy.

Run Farther, For Longer: Study Finds Ditching Dairy Helps Endurance Athletes

Fiona Oakes Has No Limits: An Interview With a Dairy-Free Ultra Runner

Fiona Oakes Has No Limits: An Interview With a Dairy-Free Ultra Runner

Fiona Oakes is the greatest runner you’ve never heard of. She’s a 4X world record holder in distance running, and she has completed some of the toughest endurance running challenges on earth including the formidable Marathon des Sables, the Antarctic Ice Marathon, and...

Nino Irgolic: the Unstoppable Dairy-Free Goalkeeper

Nino Irgolic: the Unstoppable Dairy-Free Goalkeeper

Many of the elite athletes that proudly represent Switch4Good have been dairy-free for years. For them, it’s easy to look back and say the transition was a breeze. But what about those still in transition? To gain some fresh perspective, we interviewed Nino Irgolic, a...

NFL & Olympic Nutritionist: How Food Affects Athletic Performance

NFL & Olympic Nutritionist: How Food Affects Athletic Performance

If you look at the environments that professional teams have now for food, they’ve come to realize that nutrition is no joke. That is, if you want athletes: to lower injury risk, to improve musculature, to lower body fat levels so that their strength-to-weight ratio...

Chris Manderino on the Future of Football (It’s Dairy-Free!)

Chris Manderino on the Future of Football (It’s Dairy-Free!)

In just the past year, professional football players have begun to tackle the notion that one needs milk to grow big and strong. The mainstream media took hold of the trend in 2018 when 15 players on the Tennessee Titans team adopted Chef Charity Morgan’s vegan meal...

A Marathoner’s Secret Recipe for Anti-Inflammation

A Marathoner’s Secret Recipe for Anti-Inflammation

Mary Schneider is training to compete in the 2020 Olympic Trials for the marathon, and she is putting her body to the test in the process. Long runs, speed work, hills...all of this intense exercise leads to inflammation, the body's natural response to...

Plant Strong: Cycling Through Protein Myths

Plant Strong: Cycling Through Protein Myths

Guest post by Rick Scott (#veganhockeyplayer)One of the most famous cycling coaches in the world—the coach who literally wrote the bible for cyclists—was in town for a weekend seminar that I was attending. Prior to the Sunday session, we got to ride together. I was...

4 Questions With Mary Schneider, Marathoner

4 Questions With Mary Schneider, Marathoner

1. Describe your dairy-free journey.I was diagnosed at 6 years old as lactose intolerant. The solution was to take a Lactaid pill with every meal and so I did until my late 20's when I started trying to avoid most dairy products because my intolerance was becoming...

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